Nameofbusiness: See
Purpose Treatment
Address: 3237 IN-157
City: Bloomfield
State: Indiana
Zipcode: 47424
Phone: (866) 558-3606
Purpose Treatment
Center Seeks to ease the
suffering caused by a multitude of issues related to substance use and
alcoholism. Recovery takes a village. That village includes the family/loved
ones, the treatment culture and environment, the clinical team, and anyone that
can provide collateral support for the needs of the person receiving treatment.
In order to provide individuals with the best possible results, all of our
clinicians are trained in EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing)
and mindfulness techniques. They have all had extensive training working with
people who have substance use issues. Our staff couples their extensive
training and experience with EMDR to assist people with trauma or adverse life
experiences. This allows them to address these issues and gain freedom from the
cyclical behavior this causes.
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